The Lake Forest High School Sailing Team is headed to Seabrook, Texas from Friday, May 20 to Sunday, May 22 for Team Race Nationals. The squad is enjoying another successful spring competitive sailing season. Aside from the Team Race Nationals, the LFHS Sailing Team qualified for the Fleet Spring Nationals in San Diego from June 3-5.

The Lake Forest High School Sailing Team is heading to Texas this month before going to San Diego in June.
Teams participate in a two-stage qualifying series for each national championship. LFHS qualified for Fleet Racing Nationals by placing second at the Midwest Qualifier at Chicago Yacht Club in April and for Team Racing Nationals by winning the Midwest Qualifier at Pontiac Yacht Club outside of Detroit in early May.
“Last spring, none of our skippers had been through a championship season before and only qualified for Fleet Race Nationals," Coach Will Howard said. "Since we are a young team, the freshmen are new and the sophomores missed their first season because of Covid, winning the qualifier for Team Race Nationals this season was a big victory for us." The LFHS sailors rostered for nationals are Henry Scholz ‘23, Mary Carter ’24, Charlie Gish ’24, Paige Roby ’22, Tristan McDonald ’24, Rachel Pogany ’22, Josie Janowicz ’23, Owen Kohut ’25, Keegan Chatburn ’25, and Jackson Schwartz ’25.