By Mariana Vaca The 1980s are making a comeback -- not only in fashion but in February’s Lake Forest High School Talent Show. According to Parent Producer Amy Francetic, who has been working in the Talent Show for four years, it will be infused with 1980s decorations, music, memorabilia, and pop culture references. Francetic and Educational Technologist Corey Holmer are eager for the upcoming Talent Show and are most excited about “providing a fun experience for young and old.”

The Lake Forest High School Talent Show is always a rocking good time. The Talent Show commenced 61 years ago. Holmer asserts that it has been “one of Lake Forest High School's longest-running events, and because of that, it brings the community, alums, and students in mass to attend the show.” Various professionals who are now involved in the music, film, and production industry -- such as movie actor Vince Vaughn – participated in the LFHS Talent Show.
Not only is the show an opportunity for Lake Forest students to showcase their artistry, but it is the primary fundraiser for the LFHS Association of Parents and Teachers. Francetic says that funds go to support students and teachers of LFHS as well as community members in need. The APT funds scholarships, student clubs, health and wellness activities, prom, and career development in the community. More than $20,000 is typically raised during the event. The enthusiasm of the students is evident as the auditions reached an all-time high this year. The process of the show is often “a sprint to the finish line because of the full scope of the show” as Francetic describes it to be technically intense. “The nature of the show with over 20 live acts requires that the tech crew work diligently to make sure that everything is ready and finely tuned for the most high-quality experience - lighting, sound, video,” she said. “It’s much more technically intense to produce than a concert or a theater production.”
Although the workload is intense because they have one month to put together a 2.5-hour professional performance, Holmer reveals that the creation “strengthens students' relationships.” The students have spent hours creating a high-energy and upbeat event for all Lake Forest residents to witness the diverse talents that reside in their community. There will be student groups like The Melon Boys and rock band Space Cow as well as original music by students Janel Sharman, Vince Boberski, and Niki Singh.
The LFHS Talent Show is student-directed, student-produced, and an experience where the students take agency by digging into their creativity behind the scenes and on stage. Francetic, whose daughter Sydney Rubinstein is involved in the show as Student Director, asserts that over 100 kids are involved from the acts, Pit Band, the comedy videos, tech crew, graphics, communications, and video production. The Talent Show takes place Feb. 23-25. Local businesses and families are welcome to sponsor the show and be recognized in it. For more information, visit the Lake Forest High School website or email